Sections are where the actual content for you course lives. Together they make up a bunch of modules and the modules together is what makes your course.
What content you put in your sections is up to you, it can be mostly textual, a tutorial like this section, a video, a project, or anything you’d like to use in your course.
To add content, you need to create a section in a module. You can do so the same way you created a test section inside the introduction module before. Go to the folder for the module ex. and create a new file for every section that you want within the module.
While adding the test section to the introduction module, you maybe have noticed that we called the last part of the file name was
and not simply test
. When you add sections, you need to make sure that the file name starts with a valid date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
. The actual date you use doesn’t matter, bu it will be used to determine the order of the sections inside your module.
After the date, you should put the section name and finally, you should append .md
to the end of the file name so that to format for the full file name is
Content will show up automatically as soon as you commit and save (booyah!). To check how your spiffy content looks, you can go to to look at it.
There are two important parts to your content. First is what is called the ‘front matter’ This is a fancy way to describe some extra data that will be used to display your section.
Have a look at this section
If you edit that file, you’ll notice
title: Sections
at the top. You can update the title to change the title displayed in the sidebar when viewing the section.
Secondly, you’ll notice the text for this section below that:
# Sections
Sections are where the actual content for you course lives. Together they make up a bunch of modules and the modules together is what makes your course.
What content you put in your sections is up to you, it can be mostly textual, a tutorial like this section, a video, a project, or anything you'd like to use in your course.
## Add Content to Your Course
To add content, you need to create a section in a module. You can do so the same way you created a test section inside the introduction module before. Go to the folder for the module ex. []( and create a new file for every section that you want within the module.
While the text should be more or less, readable, you will notice some characters that you don’t see on this page. That is because you will use Markdown to write the content for your course.
Markdown is simple way to easily write content that can be turned into formatted and styled HTML. There are many resources online explaining how to you Markdown and there is a Markdown cheatsheet in the resources section to help you get started quickly.
Now that you’ve covered the basic of using course in a box, the hard work of creating your course begins! We have some advice in the resources section to help you design you course and you can consult the references section if you get stuck anywhere.